Saturday, July 20, 2024



    -Askyour parent organization to provide security tips brochure and thoroughknowledge about the country you are visiting well in advance.
    -Encryptall confidential information on your laptop computer to prevent theloss of proprietary information from corporate espionage attacks andlock your laptop and discs in safe.
    -Ask your Travel Agent to choose a flight for you which possibly arrives at your destination during day light.
    -Whilegoing out of your hotel carry a Photostat copy of your passport foridentification and leave the original passport in your hotel safe.
    -Askyour host organization of the country you are going to let you know thename and identity of the person they are sending to receive you at theairport, and name of the hotel. If you can not be met, find out aboutsafe alternatives from them.
    -Scanyour surroundings and trust your instincts. If something seems amiss,return to a safer place, such as a hotel, police or military post. -Dressaccording to the social and cultural norms in each country, but don’twear provocative clothing and also maintain a low profile.
    -Onarriving at the hotel ask the Reception to give you the room possiblyon 2nd through 7th floor, because the 1st floor is too easilyaccessible by potential intruders and the higher floors can not bereached by fire ladder. Do not accept a room with a door connects toanother room.
    -Avoidwalking or traveling alone and always tell someone your destination.Carry a cellular phone, but keep it concealed in your clothing. -Don’twear expensive - looking jewelry. Remember that thieves and robbers maynot know the difference between pieces of real and costume jewelry.
    -Lockyour personal possessions in the hotel safe or in safe provided in yourroom. Check bathroom, cupboard, and space under the beds that no one ishiding there. Also check locking bolts of door and windows and find outfrom Hotel Reception your action in the event of any emergency.
    -Use a money belt rather than a purse. If you use a handbag, keep it close to the body. -Don’t carry more cash than necessary or more than one credit card. -Avoid driving along and be aware of your surroundings when using public transportation.
    -Exchange money only at official currency outlets.
    -Don’t use ATM machines at night unless the area is open and well it.
    -Keep yourself well informed through local newspapers and electronic media of the current security situation in the area. -Avoidpublic bathrooms. In some regions, rapists disguise themselves asfemales and seek their victims in these facilities.
    -Neverto get into a taxi with another passenger already inside as he or shecould be working in collaboration with the driver to commit robbery orkidnapping. Similarly never allow your taxi driver to lift anotherpassenger in your taxi enroute. -Restrict knowledge of your itineraries to those who truly need to know.
    -Keep your luggage close to you at the hotel or the airport.
    -If you are sexually harassed, ignore the proposition and continue on your way or deliver a firm and loud rejection.
    -Don’t accept lift by strangers in their car even if they are female. -Avoid using elevator alone with a stranger-man.
    -Ifyou become the victim of a crime, immediately contact your country’sdiplomatic or consular office, local police and your employer.


Programme Date

TV Channel

Name of Show

Programme Title





Geo TV


Suicide Bombers

Hina Khwaja Biyat




Aaj TV

Kiran Aur George Show

Women Security

Kiran &George




Aaj TV

Kiran Aur George Show

Acid Attack on women

Kiran & George




Geo TV

Interview of Sqn Ldr Ausaf

Private Security

Faiza Shafiq





Aaj Subh

Bomb Blasts

Savera Nadeem




Aaj TV

Aaj Subh

Self-Defence by Women

Savera Nadeem


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