
Friday, August 24, 2018

How to Sabotage Change (Tabdeeli) by Turning the Focus from Output to Input

Change Resistance from bureaucracy against IK's "tabdeeli" agenda through very clever manoeuvre by taking IK's eyes off the ball (output). By opening the Pandora box of holidays per week, Sir Humphery (of Yes Prime Minister serial fame) or equivalent senior bureaucrat in the IK's clique had turned the debate away from "output" measurement and towards "input" measurement; no one wants to know how much input (#days, #hours ) bureaucrats are giving per week. People n PTIans do not want to know whether bureaucrats are inputting 5 days or 6 days per week, or whether they are inputting 6 hours or 8 hours per day. This is input measurement. They want concrete measurable output. #jobscreated, #homes constructed, #cases resolved by courts, reduction in #kidsdropouts from school,... People want "output" not "input".

Please note that pandora box of weekend holidays has been a part of bureaucratic stupid games played since 1970s. First, they duped Gen Zia in 1980s and made only Fridays off. Then in 1990s they played on NS-BB and made only Sundays off. Then they convinced stupid Gen Musharraf in 2000s that Saturdays and Sundays off is better than only one day off. Again they were about to dupe Imran Khan and have nearly convinced him to make only Sundays off! Naya Pakistan indeed😊Fortunately, better sense prevailed and IK got away from the snare.

People want to know whether their problems are being resolved, and how quickly. We don't want to know whether CJP is working 6 hours or 8 hours per day. People want to know whether backlog of cases has been reduced from 1.8million or not. They want to know are the casing being quicker than before or not.

Please see Yes Prime Minister serial. It provides an excellent enjoyable description of the techniques that bureaucracy uses to muzzle all initiatives of a sincere PM. First day casualty is IK's closest aide Aun Chaudhry. You will soon see how bureaucracy will ensure that IK will himself have to justify going to PM House. Do you think these grade 22 bureaucrats and pukki naukri walay will allow his tabdeeli ?

See Also:

At What Cost

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